Memad movement - перевод на голландский
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Memad movement - перевод на голландский

Movements; Movement (single); Movement (disambiguation); Movement (album); Movement (song)

labor movement         
  • A contemporary depiction of the [[Peterloo Massacre]] which occurred on 16 August 1819
  • p=39-40}}
Labor movement; Labor movements; Labor Movement; Organized labour; Labour Movement; Workers' movement; Organised labour; International trade union movement; Labour and workers rights movements; Labor activism; Labour condition; Labor reformer; Labor groups; Workers’ movement; Işgücü hareketi; Workers´ movement; Laborist; Labourism; Laborism; Labour unionism; Trade union movement; Pro-labor; Pro-labour; Labourist; Labor organisers; Labor union movement
civil rights movement         
  • [[Bayard Rustin]] ''(left)'' and [[Cleveland Robinson]] ''(right)'', organizers of the March, on August 7, 1963
  • Police attack non-violent marchers on "Bloody Sunday", the first day of the [[Selma to Montgomery marches]].
  • bomb explosion]] on May 11, 1963
  • Martin Luther King Jr. at a civil rights march on Washington, D.C.
  • Leaders of the March on Washington posing before the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963
  • Student sit-in at Woolworth in [[Durham, North Carolina]] on February 10, 1960.
  • Colored Sailors room in World War I
  • [[Emmett Till]]'s mother Mamie (middle) at her son's funeral in 1955. He was killed by white men after a white woman accused him of offending her in her family's grocery store.
  • Film on the riots created by the White House Naval Photographic Unit
  • Andrew Goodman]], [[James Chaney]], and [[Michael Schwerner]]
  • [[Fannie Lou Hamer]] of the [[Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party]] (and other Mississippi-based organizations) is an example of local grassroots leadership in the movement.
  • A mob beats Freedom Riders in Birmingham. This picture was reclaimed by the FBI from a local journalist who also was beaten and whose camera was smashed.
  • School integration, Barnard School, [[Washington, D.C.]], 1955
  • [[James Meredith]] walking to class accompanied by a U.S. Marshal and a Justice Department official.
  • raised fist on the podium]] after the 200 m race at the [[1968 Summer Olympics]]; both wear [[Olympic Project for Human Rights]] badges. [[Peter Norman]] ''(silver medalist, left)'' from Australia also wears an OPHR badge in solidarity with Smith and Carlos.
  • KKK night rally near [[Chicago]], in the 1920s
  • Aftermath of the [[King assassination riots]] in Washington, D.C.
  • White parents rally against integrating Little Rock's schools in August 1959.
  • Will James]], [[Cairo, Illinois]], 1909
  • James Farmer]], January 1964
  • Lyndon B. Johnson signs the historic [[Civil Rights Act of 1964]]
  • alt=Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. speak to each other thoughtfully as others look on.
  • Mural of [[Malcolm X]] in [[Belfast]]
  • The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom at the [[National Mall]]
  • Jewish civil rights activist [[Joseph L. Rauh Jr.]] marching with [[Martin Luther King Jr.]] in 1963
  • [[Mississippi State Penitentiary]]
  • date=August 29, 2017 }}. PBS. Retrieved July 28, 2016</ref>
  • Ku Klux Klan demonstration in St. Augustine, Florida in 1964
  • White segregationists (foreground) trying to prevent black people from swimming at a "White only" beach in St. Augustine, Florida during the [[1964 Monson Motor Lodge protests]]
  • Recreation of Martin Luther King Jr.'s cell in Birmingham Jail at the [[National Civil Rights Museum]]
  • Resurrection City]] was established in 1968 on the [[National Mall]] as part of the Poor People's Campaign.
  • language=en}}</ref>
  • [[Rosa Parks]] being fingerprinted after being arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus to a white person.
  • U.S. Army]] trucks loaded with Federal law enforcement personnel on the University of Mississippi campus, 1962.
  • tried to block desegregation]] at the [[University of Alabama]] and is confronted by U.S. Deputy Attorney General [[Nicholas Katzenbach]] in 1963.
  • In 1954, the [[U.S. Supreme Court]] under Chief Justice [[Earl Warren]] ruled unanimously that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
  • Police arrest a man during the [[Watts riots]] in Los Angeles, August 1965
  • housing project]] erected this sign, [[Detroit]], 1942.
  • "We Cater to White Trade Only" sign on a restaurant window in [[Lancaster, Ohio]], in 1938. In 1964, [[Martin Luther King Jr.]] was arrested and spent a night in jail for attempting to eat at a white-only restaurant in [[St. Augustine, Florida]].
  • Armed Lumbee Indians aggressively confronting Klansmen in the [[Battle of Hayes Pond]]
Civil rights era; American civil rights; U.S. Civil Rights Movement; US civil rights movement; American Civil Rights movement; Civil Rights Movement in the United States; Civil rights of the United States; U.S. civil rights movement; US Civil Rights Movement; American civil rights movement; Civil rights movement in the United States; American Civil Rights Movement; Civil Rights movement; American Civil Rights; United States civil rights movement; Second Reconstruction; African-American Civil Rights Movement; African-American Civil Rights Movement (1965-1968); Civil Rights Movement; American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968); Black rights movement; American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968); The Civil Rights Movement; Black equality; Us civil rights movement; Civil Rights era; African-American civil rights; African-American civil rights movement (1955-1968); African American Civil Rights Movement; African American civil rights movement; African American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968); Southern Freedom Movement; Black rights; Black civil rights movement; African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968); Civil rights in the United States; Civil Rights Era; American Civil Rights Movement (1955–68); African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–68); African-American civil rights movement; 1960s Civil Rights Movement; African-American civil rights movement (1954-68); African-American civil rights movement (1955–1968); African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968); American civil rights movement (1955–1968); African-American civil rights movement (1954–68); The 1960s Civil Rights Movement; African-American civil rights movement (1954-1968); 1960s civil rights movement; African American Civil Rights Movement (1954–68); African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954-68); African-American civil-rights movement; U.S. Civil Rights; Black civil rights; African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-68); African American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968); African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968); African American Civil Rights Movement (1954-68); American Civil Rights Movement (1955-68); American civil rights movement (1955-1968); African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954–68); Black Revolution; American Freedom Movement; Negro Freedom Movement; Negro Revolution; Negro American Revolution; Negro Revolt; Modern Civil Rights Movement; Civil Rights Revolution; African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954–1968); Civil rights for African Americans; African-American civil rights movement (1954–1968); Civil-rights movement; Modern civil rights movement; Civil rights revolution; Black revolution; Negro movement; Negro revolution; Negro American revolution; Negro revolt; Southern freedom movement; American freedom movement; Negro freedom movement; Civil rights struggle; Civil rights of African Americans; Civil rights movement (1954–1968); Civil rights movement (1954-1968); 1954-1968 civil rights movement; 1954-1968 Civil Rights Movement; African-American Civil Rights
beweging voor burgerrechten
Zionist movement         
  • Arab offensive at the beginning of the [[1948 Arab-Israeli war]]
  • doi=10.1525/jps.2008.37.2.23}}</ref>
  • Quds day]] demonstration in Berlin, alongside [[Iran]]ian and [[Hezbollah]] flags.
  • Israeli author [[Amos Oz]], who today is described as the 'aristocrat' of Labor Zionism<ref>''To Rule Jerusalem''
 By Roger Friedland, Richard Hecht, University of California Press, 2000, page 203</ref>
  • [[David Ben-Gurion]] proclaiming Israel's independence beneath a large portrait of Theodor Herzl
  • State of Israel]], established in 1948.
  • Front page of ''[[The Jewish Chronicle]]'', January 17, 1896, showing an article by Theodor Herzl, a month prior to the publication of his pamphlet ''[[Der Judenstaat]]''
  • Inter-Allied Commission]] was sent to Palestine to assess the views of the local population; the report summarized the arguments received from petitioners for and against Zionism.
  • "Memorandum to Protestant Monarchs of Europe for the restoration of the Jews to Palestine", published in the [[Colonial Times]], in 1841
  • Kibbutznikiyot (female Kibbutz members) in [[Mishmar HaEmek]], during the [[1948 Arab–Israeli War]]. The [[Kibbutz]] is the historical heartland of Labor Zionism.
  • Operation Magic Carpet]]
  • Paris Peace Conference]]
  • url-status=live }}</ref>
  • The Great Synagogue of [[Rishon LeZion]] was founded in 1885.
  • date=May 2022}}
  • The delegates at the First Zionist Congress, held in [[Basel]], Switzerland (1897)
  • [[Ze'ev Jabotinsky]], founder of Revisionist Zionism
  • No'al]], meeting with Jewish resistance fighter [[Simcha Rotem]]. Founded in 1924, No'al is one of the largest Zionist Youth movements.
Zionist; Zionists; Abstract Zionism; Zionist movement; ZIONISTS; Jewish Nationalist Movement; Sionist; Zionistic; Sionism; Zionest Movement; Israeli nationalism; Zionist Movement; Jewish nationalist; Political Zionist; Israeli nationalist; Judaism and Zionism; The Z-Word; Zion movement; Political Judaism; Sionists; Black Zionism; Kadimah Society; Jewish nationalists; Pro-Israel; Zionist Party; Liberal Zionist; Liberal Zionism
de zionistische beweging


women's movement
¦ noun a broad movement campaigning for women's liberation and rights.



Movement may refer to: